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U.S. Patent No. 11,836,473 B2
U.S. Patent And Trademark Office granted patent US11836473B2 to Archemy, Inc. for its "Active adaptation of networked compute devices using vetted reusable software components".

U.S. Patent Appl. No. 18/495,616
U.S. Patent Appl. No. 17/386133 is the latest patent pending for Archemy's "Active adaptation of networked compute devices using vetted reusable software and hardware components."

U.S. Patent No. 11,074061 B2
U.S. Patent And Trademark Office granted patent US11074061B2 to Archemy, Inc. for its "Active adaptation of networked compute devices using vetted reusable software components".

What is Cloud?
Jean-Claude Franchitti interviewed as an expert, by Accenture, to explain Cloud technology.

OMG Practical Guide to Cloud Governance Webinar
Archemy co-aurthored a paper with OMG: The Practical Guide To Cloud Deployment Technologies.